Funding local projects via community grants...
For over 35 years, a key part of what we have achieved through our fundraising events is providing financial support to numerous local community projects.
At the end of each year we open applications for any non profit making local community based project to apply for a community grant. Applications are reviewed by the committee and funds awarded based on the project benefits to the residents of the Thaxted community.
Past community grants have included:
Replace School Equipment at Thaxted Primary School
Purchase sports kits and equipment for Thaxted Rangers
The town's celebration of the Queen's 90th Birthday

Applications for our Community Grants open on 1st November 2024.
To apply simply click on the downloadable pdf Community Grant Application Form and complete your submission.
To be eligible, your organisation or project must be:
Not-for profit
Not personally owned or for personal financial gain
Serving the community of Thaxted
Located within in the parish of Thaxted.
Applications must be received by 2pm on 31st December 2024, by e-mail to or by post to the Trust’s Secretary at 4 Watling Street, Thaxted, Essex CM6 2PE.
Applications will be assessed by the Trustees/Committee of the Trust during January. The success of all applications and the amount of each grant subsequently distributed is entirely at the discretion of the Trustees/Committee of the Trust. Distributions will be made by the end of February. Applications for funding for a major project or where the timing of funding is significant may be made out with the normal application period and will be considered at the discretion of the Trustees/Committee.
Click here to view our Community Grant Distribution Policy. Click here to view our Safeguarding Policy
Click to download
Community Grant
Application Form